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Osmangazi Journal of Medicine

1. General Information

Faculty of Medicine in Eskişehir Osmangazi University was founded in 1970. Every year, nearly 200 new students are admitted to education. The duration of education is six years in the faculty where there is contemporary medical education. The teaching language is Turkish.

The aim of  Eskişehir  Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine is to educate physicians who are knowledgeable about how to reach and use information and who are competent to conduct independent research in the field of medicine and who are professionally and ethically concerned with their profession and who are sensitive to local, national and universal problems related to health.

Eskişehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine has three main functions of a medical faculty; education, health care and research tasks.

2. Degree

Students who have successfully completed all the courses, clinical practice and exams in the curriculum are graduated at the "Medical Doctor" level.

3. Degree Level


4. Admission and Registration Conditions

For registration and admission to the Faculty of Medicine, high school diplomas and placement with a centralized university placement examination are required.

5. Recognition of Previous Learning

Recognition of previous education at Turkish higher education institutions is  at the first stage. In the Higher Education Institutions of Turkey, the recognition of the previous formal learning and the horizontal transfers are done by "Regulation on the Principles of Transition between Programs of the Associate's Degree and Graduate Level in Higher Education Institutions, Credit Transfer between Double Major and Minor ", which is determined by  Higher Education Institution. Learning of the recognition process based on non-formal certification outside formal educational institutions in Turkey or based on experience (in-formal, non-formal) is still in its early stage. For this reason, recognition of the previous learning has not yet begun in all of the University's programs. However, the proficiency exam is given at the beginning of each academic year for the courses like English which is included in the education plan of the Faculty of Medicine. Students who think they have achieved the qualifications expected from these courses have the right to take proficiency exams. Students who enter and succeed in the examination are deemed to be exempt from the lesson.

6. Qualification Requirements and Rules

The education period at the Faculty of Medicine is six years. A total of 360 ECTS credits are required to successfully complete all courses in the curriculum.

7. Program Profile/Purpose

In our faculty, education and teaching are carried out with integrated system considering horizontal and vertical integration which is arranged according to the coordination principle between course subjects and hours. This coordination is applied in the form of course groups in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th grades. In grades 1, 2 and 3, the academic year is considered as a whole and a single course. In grades 4 and 5 each group is a course. 6th grade covers 12 months internship period.

The Students’ success in this period is assessed by the proficiency certificate issued by the administrator of the relevant department, taking into consideration of the attendance of the student in the internships, clinic, polyclinic, laboratory and field work done in each branch of the department, medical intervention made in person, written patient monitoring and epicrisis, attitudes towards patients, being on call, participation in seminars and meetings and the result is translated into a letter grade.

8. Program Qualifications / Outputs


-Can count the normal structure and functions of the body and its organ systems as a whole

-Can describe the changes caused by diseases

-Can choose blood-based methods in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases

-Knows appropriate and effective communication methods with patients, their relatives, colleagues and other health personnel


- Can apply diagnostic methods to diagnose the disease

- Can plan and implement effective, safe, affordable and low cost treatment

- Can apply basic life support

- Can actively pursue ways of reaching evidence-based knowledge to respond to the needs of society through scientific and technological developments.


- Embraces that the primary duty of the doctor is taking preventive measures against diseases, protecting human life and health by trying to improve diseases by using appropriate and rational treatment options  

- Observes the principle of universal medical ethics, "first, to do no harm (primum nil nocere) " when applying his duty

- Has a first-aid responsibility as an emergency doctor

- Evaluates each patient according to his / her environment, society and individual characteristics

- Approaches the patients and their relatives without being impartial and without judgment and embraces that it is an ethical obligation

- Implements the respect to the universal patient rights, especially to the privacy principle

- Embraces the importance of lifelong learning and self-learning.

9. Employment Opportunities for Graduates

Graduates of Faculty of Medicine has the opportunity to find a job as a general practitioner under the title of Medical Doctor in state and private institutions. They have the opportunity to attend any field specialist training by entering the examination for speciality on medicine. After this training they are qualified as Specialist Doctor. They also have the right to apply to Ph.D. programs in related fields of universities since they have a Master's degree.

10. Applying to further studies

Graduates of the Department of Medical Doctors can apply for the "Ph.D." in the Department of Basic Medical Sciences or the "Expertise in Medicine" in the department of Internal Medicine or Surgical Medical Sciences

11. Examinations, Assessment and Grading

In the first three years, theoretical and practical examinations are carried out at the end of each course according to the integrated education system and final exams are applied at the end of each semester.

In the first, second and third years, end-of-year grades are calculated by adding 60% of the end of course grades and 40% of the final exam. The student must have at least 60 points out of 100 to pass the relevant term.

In years 4 and 5, each group is considered a course. Examinations consisting of practical and theoretical exams are held at the end of each internship. The exams are evaluated over 100 points and the achievement score is over 60. The student must take at least 60 points from both the theoretical and the practical examinations to be successful in that internship.

The final exam score of the internship of students, who score 60 or more in both stages of the examination, is the average of the scores obtained from the theoretical and practical examinations.

At the end of each internship, the 6th grade student is assessed over 100 full points in terms of general medical knowledge, duty responsibilities, communication skills, patient preparation and follow-up skills, psycho-social status, medical intervention skills and fieldwork.

12. Graduation Requirements

Students who successfully complete six years of education with a total of 360 ECTS credits are eligible to graduate. Faculty of Medicine graduates receive their graduation diplomas with the approval of Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health, after completing a two-year mandatory service.

13. Working hours


14. Address and Contact Information

Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dekanlığı, Meşelik Yeleşkesi, 26480-ESKİŞEHİR

Tel: 0222.2393770

Fax: 0222.239 37 72


Professor Dr. Atilla Özcan ÖZDEMİR Dean , 0222.2393770/Intercom: 4400,

Professor Dr. Nilgün KAŞİFOĞLU, Vice-Dean., 0222.2393770/ Intercom: 4402,

Professor Dr. Engin ÖZAKIN, Vice-Dean., 0222 2393770/Intercom: 4402,

Basic Medical Sciences Department Head.: Professor Dr. Yasemin ÖZ

Internal Medical Sciences Depatment Head.: Professor Dr. Onur ARMAĞAN

Surgical Medical Sciences Department Head.: Professor Dr. Birgül YELKEN

Erasmus Coordinator: 

15. Department Facilities

The faculty consists of three departments: Basic Medical Sciences, Internal Medicine Sciences and Surgical Medical Sciences.

There are 5 small amphitheatre with 150 capacity and 8 small classrooms with capacity of 60 students in the training hospital with almost 1100 beds.

The Faculty maintains a contemporary education with Clinical Skills Laboratories where skill training is performed on individual models; Computer Labs where all local network and 100 personal computers are  connected to the internet; the basic books of every discipline, more than 200 magazines, the University Library which provides access to Medline and electronic magazines, the 24-hour Emergency Service, and community-based education facilities with various health centres.

Registration procedures

Eskişehir Osmangazi University receives students from high school and relevant school graduates each year according to the results of the Student Selection and Placement Centre Examination.

In order for foreign students to be admitted to the Faculty, they must acquire the right to enter the Faculty with the YÖS examination of the Student Selection and Placement Centre which is done for foreign students.

The registration of all faculties and colleges of Eskisehir Osmangazi University and the diploma issues of graduates are done by ESOGÜ Student Affairs Office.

The procedures related to the enrolment renewal procedures, attendance status and academic studies of the students whose first enrolment to the Faculty of Medicine is carried out by the "Faculty of Medicine Student Affairs Service".

Registrations usually take place during the first week of September and certain dates are announced in the newspapers at the beginning of each school year. Registration can be done by the student himself or by the person who will give his / her proxy.

Detailed information about the records can be obtained from ESOGÜ Student Affairs Office.

Registration Renewal

According to the Education-Training and Examination Regulation of the Faculty of Medicine; in order for the student to be able to benefit from his / her student rights and exemptions and to enter exams; between the dates announced at the beginning of each academic year, it is obligatory to renew the registration by filling in the student information form with the contribution receipt deposited.

No additional time is allowed to renew the registration of the student who does not pay the contribution amount during the announced period. Students who do not pay the tuition fee cannot attend courses, laboratories and internships. They cannot participate in family medicine studies or take exams. If the student can not renew the registration twice, the student is dismissed from the university.

Undergraduate transfers

The undergraduate transfers to be made from other Faculties applying the equivalent faculty training program shall be made by the decision of the Faculty Administrative Board according to the provisions of "Regulations Regarding the Principles of Transition between Higher Education Institutions and the Level of Undergraduate Transfer". The applicant must apply for the transfer at least 30 days before the beginning of the school year.

Tuition Fee

The student tuition fee is determined annually by the Council of Ministers. The tuition fee for foreign students is three times the amount determined by the Council of Ministers. For students who can not graduate at the end of the 6-year normal education period, the contribution will be 50% for the first year and 100% for the following years.